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President Trump Says Bidens Use Of

Meldungen des Tages, Montag 24.03.25 | SBS German - SBS Deutsch

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2025-03-24 03:45 14 Youtube

Politischer Neuanfang: AfD und die Stimme von 10 Millionen

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2025-03-24 00:28 270 Youtube

Biden says Trump is Russian President 'Putin's puppy'

Democratic challenger Joe Biden accuses Donald Trump of failing to confront Russia, accusing the US leader of being the "puppy" of Russian President Vladimir Pu...

2020-10-01 00:46 22 Dailymotion

Trump slams Biden, says Harris won't be president

Trump slams Biden, says Harris won't be president...

2020-10-24 01:32 160 Dailymotion

Trump slams Biden, says Harris won't be president


2020-10-25 01:32 347 Dailymotion

Joe Biden Says President Trump Has 'Emboldened White Supremacists'

Joe Biden has criticized President Trump in an op-ed published in the Atlantic. In the wake of Donald Trump's remarks on Charlottesville violence, Joe Biden say...

2017-08-27 01:14 52 Dailymotion

President Trump Says He Could Beat Up Joe Biden

President Trump tweeted early Thursday that he could take "Crazy Joe Biden" in a fight, saying he'd "go down fast and hard, crying all the way." He doe...

2018-03-23 00:49 10 Dailymotion